A.P.C. sells the best clothes (I would wear anything there!) and also has the calm and minimalist atmosphere that you would love. Their original store and warehouse along Rue Madame, near Jardin du Luxembourg, are definitely work checking out. I regret not taking more pictures!
Got myself a bottle of Fleur d'Oranger as a souvenir (for 20E only! I was shocked), boyfriend says it's the best fragrance I've ever owned. I love how it evokes an air of orange blossoms with a hint of jasmine flower.
38 Rue Madame 75006
9 commentaires:
I have the feuille de figuier one but I didn't know that APC also make a roomspray of Toumbac. I LOVE TOUMBAC!!
Lovely photos as always!
Oh, I can't wait to go...we have an A.P.C. boutique here but it's so marked up that it's cheaper to buy online, even factoring in GBP30 shipping.
I love the sound of that perfume - I once bought orange blossoms for a friend's housewarming party and I was so struck by the warmth of the scent.
Your Paris posts are wonderful! I'm looking at your flickr now, I love your photos! I want to go back to Paris so badly. :(
I've been enjoying your photos since I stumbled upon your blog a few days ago and ever since I've been enjoying your photos!
The perfume sounds amazing - I could try that someday!
Mmm... that sounds delicious. Need to look into their perfumes, particularly if they are €20!
I love APC too !
I live quite close to the rue Madame, but I've never been to the shop, funny :)
BTW, the last comment was by me, stupid trackpad :)
Careful not to wear it on your skin though, it isn't perfume but room spray !
i can't wait to go i can't wait to go i can't wait to go i can't wait to go only 2 weeks now eeeee!!!!
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