mercredi 16 février 2011

Fashion is Danger

I resist the idea of being labelled as a 'fashion blog' in any ways - mainly because although I am interested in the idea of maintaining a clean, sleek style that is suitable for work and play while flattering my petite physique (I seek inspiration from Dead Fleurette and Out of the Bag, and also other blogs from the blogroll), the almost cyclic consumerist habits that accompany the idea of 'following fashion trend'/'fashion week'/'sale'/'final reduction' are something that I would not like to fall into. There is no way we can endlessly buy and consume without sacrificing our earth's limited resources, no matter how 'organic' or 'recycled' the materials are. Fashion is meant to be pretty to look at and ephemeral, but I do not want my clothes to entirely be like that.

I am very comfortable in my jumpers and pea coat, thank you very much. And no, I do not want that varsity outfit, nor that pair of neon pants. I want something that I would not regret wearing in the future, something that puts me at ease, something that makes me fall in love with it again every time as it faithfully hugs my frame.

1 commentaire:

yanqin a dit…

Nice point and consuming organic and recyclable materials - I've always thought the world doesn't need more eco-friendly fashion lines; it needs existing manufacturers, designers, brands, etc to change their practices instead. It's also alarming how there are so many new designers every year - there's a need to encourage creativity and cultivate talent but thinking about all the new labels being manufactured every year scares me.

Fashion has become a word associated with endless trend reports and the next new thing, I can understand why you don't want to be labelled as such. I'm interested in true personal style and enduring design and I think what blogs (like yours!) give me that fashion mags don't (though I still buy mags for other reasons).

Anyway, I've gone on for too long. Do keep posting, I really enjoy them, as well as your tumblr.